투신자살을 다시 생각하게끔 만든 더러운 강물

맛도리 2015. 6. 19. 18:27

강물에 투신 목숨을 끊으려 한 남성이 강물이 너무 더러워 자살을 포기하는 일이 벌어졌다고 한다.

지난 10일 중국 저장성 푸장현(浙江省 浦江县)에 사는 48세의 류씨는 사업실패로 큰 빚더미를 안게되자 자살을 하기로 마음먹었다.

목숨을 끊기 위해 우장(乌江)에 몸을 던진 류씨는 이내 자신의 선택을 후회했다. 이유인즉 강물이 너무 더러워서였다.

류씨는 "강물이 역겨울 정도로 냄새가 많이 나고 더러워서 물을 삼킬 수 없었다"고 자살을 포기한 이유를 설명했다.

강물에 떠내려가던 중 행인의 제보를 받은 경찰에 의해 구조된 류씨는 "다시는 자살을 하지 않을 것"이라고 말했다.

Man rethinks suicide after jumping into 'filthy' Zhejiang river

Who would've thought water pollution could actually save a life? A 48-year-old man who'd attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself in a Zhejiang river last week decided that the water was "too filthy" and swam several meters back to shore.
The man, surnamed Liu, comes from the Pujiang county of Zhejiang province. He explained to police that he had lost quite a lot of money from business this year, and impulsively decided to end his life on Wednesday, according to Finance Gucheng.

So, at around 7:00 that evening, he jumped into the Yiwu River. As soon as he hit the water, however, he regretted his decision.
"The water is so filthy and smelly that it's too disgusting to be swallowed," he said.
The current of the river, accelerated by the rain, made it difficult for Liu to swim back to shore, but he managed to keep himself afloat and drifted downstream all the way from Dongyang city to Yiwu city, where he found a protruding spot of land and waited for help.
Yiwu police arrived at the scene after receiving call from passers-by. They threw a buoy ring to the man and pulled him ashore. Medical staff said he sustained no serious injuries.
Liu said he is grateful to still be alive.
"I will never again try to kill myself," he said.