쇄골에 계란올리기로 미인을 뽑는 중국의 한 미인대회

맛도리 2015. 6. 25. 19:36

한국도 그렇치만 중국도 지방 축제나 행사때마다 가장 많이 벌이는 최고 이벤트가 축제이름을 내건 미인선발대회다. 아무래도 동네에서 한몫하던 늘씬한 미녀들이 모여 아름다움을 뽐내는 것이 사람들의 이목을 가장 끌 수 있는 방법이기때문이다. 그래서 너무 자주 많은 미인대회가 열리기때문에 오히려 주목도가 떨어지기 마련인데, 최근 중국의 한 미녀 선발대회는 독특한 참가자 선발 방법을 채택, 화제성를 한껏 이끌어 냈다.

지난 22일 중국 허난성 지위안시(河南济源)에서는 '국제관광 해협양안 홍보모델(国际旅游海峡两岸形象大使选美大赛)' 선발대회가 열렸다. 이 대회는 중국과 대만의 양안관계를 홍보하는 미녀선발대회로 대회 참가자들은 이날 비키니를 입고 반대 손으로 배꼽 만지기(反手摸肚脐), 쇄골에 계란 올리기(锁骨放鸡蛋) 등으로 미와 몸매를 겨뤘다.

Quirky social media crazes have become secrets to winning in Chinese beauty pageant
中国日报网 2015-06-25 15:40

Quirky figure-testing challenges on social media have become unlikely criteria in a beauty pageant in China.

Women are required to balance eggs on their collarbones and touch their navels from behind their backs for a chance to win the International Cross-strait Tourist Ambassador Competition.

The touring pageant, which sees contestants from Chinese mainland and Taiwan, was in city of Jiyuan in central China on Monday, according to reports in the People's Daily Online.

The winner of the beauty pageant will work across the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan to promote tourism.

Both the collarbone balance and the belly button challenges are considered as ways to show how good one's figure is, according to Chinese internet users.

For the collarbone balance, participants are expected to balance as many coins as they can on their collarbones while keeping them stacked up.

In the belly button challenge, you need to try and touch your navel by reaching behind your back.

The success of both challenges are intended to reveal the ideal figure. According to the original posts, the thinner you are, the more successful you will be in the challenges.

A svelte figure is highly applauded in China.

The challenges have been incredibly popular on Chinese social media networks with millions taking part and posting success selfies.

Even Chinese celebrities are taking part.

Although unusual as part of a beauty pageant the challenges have helped the event achieved great exposure.

Other activities in the pageant included staging various poses on a river cruise boat to showcase their figures.