대만 지역유지의 장례식에 미모의 여성 50명이 모인 이유

맛도리 2017. 1. 5. 09:50


대만 쟈이현 의회의 동샹의장의 장례식이 1월 3일 열렸다. 자택에서 장례식장까지 출상하는 자리에 50명의 폴댄서(Pole Dancer)들이 지프차에 올라 고인의 출상을 기념했다.


You can't always decide how you go out, but you can have some say on how you'll be remembered.

Recently, Chiayi county in Taiwan mourned the passing of Council Speaker Tung Hsiang at the age of 76. To give him a proper send-off, 50 scantily-clad women pole danced on top of 50 jeeps as loud pop music blared through the city streets on Tuesday.

Obviously, the festivities attracted considerable attention from passersby, drawing in big crowds who also happened to spot various high-level county leaders in attendance.

According to Taiwan News, Tung's son said his father had always "enjoyed a buzz" and hoped that the ceremony would give his dad a "happy departure."

If you are looking to the do same for a departed loved one, then you can reach out to Taiwan's flourishing “EFC industry." EFC stands for "Electric Flower Cars" (电子花车) and they will hook you up with a less than solemn ceremony that locals aren't likely to forget.

Check out parts of the parade below on YouTube:

In case you're a bit perplexed, you should know that funeral strippers have a long history in contemporary China as a way of livening up someone's passing and attracting additional grievers. But, back in 2015, the Chinese government finally decided to take the "fun" out of funeral by cracking down on the practice following a couple of notable incidents that made the news from rural China.

However, it still seems to be alive and well in Taiwan. Two years ago, a devoted wife in Taiwan fulfilled her husband's wishes to the end, putting aside her grief to invite strippers to perform at his funeral. Apparently, during his time on earth, he had famously had a penchant for looking at beautiful woman and she wanted to let him feast his eyes from the afterlife.