승무원 인질극으로 비상착륙한 중국 여객기

맛도리 2018. 4. 16. 19:30

4 15일 창사에서 베이징으로 향하던 중국국제항공 CA1350편 기내에서 한 승객이 승무원을 인질로 삼고 위협하는 사건이 벌어졌다.

15일 8시40분 창사 황하공항을 출발하여 베이징 서우두공항에 11시 도착예정이던 중국국제항공사 CA1350편에 탑승한 쉬모(41)씨가 음식 써빙중이던 여성 승무원을 위협하며 인질극을 벌였다.

CA1350편은 9시58분 정저우 신정공항에 긴급 착륙했고 대기하고 있던  무장경찰 90명이 출동한 가운데, 4명의 특공대원이 활주로에 체류중이던 항공기에 진입 1등석 구간에서 만년필로 여승무원의 목에 대고 위협중이던 쉬씨를 제압함으로써 30여분간에 펼쳐졌던 인질극은 종료되었다.

초기 조사결과 쉬씨는 후난성 안화출신으로 정신질환을 가진 환자로 밝혀졌고, 인질극도 갑자기 정신 질환을 일으킨 상태에서 벌인 것으로 알려졌다.

4月15日上午9时58分,中国国航CA1350航班,因发生旅客胁持乘务员事件备降郑州新郑国际机场,一段视频曝光了当时的场景。 该航班目的地为中国的首都北京。航班信息显示,国航CA1350航班,于4月15日8时40分从长沙黄花机场起飞,原定于上午11时到达北京首都机场。 河南省公安厅机场公安局公布称:该事件无人员伤亡,警方已确认,胁持国航乘务员男子徐某(男)41岁,湖南安化人,有精神病史。 视频显示,中国武警河南总队出动了90人,负责现场外围警戒、情报侦察和武力突击抓捕任务。 徐某手持凶器胁持一名女性空乘员到飞机头等舱,随后,3名便衣武警与1名公安民警分别从正面和背后对徐某进行突击抓捕。 经初步调查,犯罪嫌疑人徐某乘坐国航CA1350航班飞往北京途中,因突发精神疾病,手持钢笔挟持一位乘务人员,导致该航班9时58分迫降郑州新郑国际机场。

An AirChina plane bound for Beijing was forced to make an unscheduled landing yesterday after a mentally ill passenger held a fountain pen to a flight attendant’s throat and attempted to hold her hostage.
After the plane landed at the Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport in Henan. A contingent of security officers and troops were dispatched to deal with the situation. Earlier today, footage of the rescue operation was published online.

In that footage, the male passenger is seen squatting on the floor in the airport passageway, holding onto a female flight attendant and keeping the pen pointed at her neck.

At one point he appears to ask for water, and one of the negotiators places a glass on the floor in front of him. Meanwhile, the passenger shouts at the officers to keep their distance.

Eventually, the standoff comes to an end when three plainclothes armed police officers and one police officer rush the passenger, managing to separate him from his hostage and weapon before dragging him off the plane into a waiting police van.

No other passengers or crew members were harmed in the incident.
The hostage-taker has been identified as a 41-year-old man surnamed Xu from Hunan’s Anhua county with a history of mental illness. Authorities have blamed the incident on a sudden flare-up of his mental illness, it’s not clear what kind of punishment he will face.